Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitor | SMD MLCC |CCAA
Chip ceramic capacitor is a common electronic component used to store and release charge. It consists of one or more thin sheets of ceramic material that are coated with metal electrodes.
Chip ceramic dielectric vessels usually have high dielectric constant and low loss, and are able to operate over a wide frequency range.
The main features of chip ceramic capacitor include:
1. High dielectric constant: Chip ceramic dielectric vessels usually use ceramic materials with high dielectric constant, which allows them to store more charge in a relatively small volume.
2. Low loss: Chip ceramic dielectric containers have low loss characteristics, which means that they can be used at high frequencies (Jinpei brand MIL RF microwave multilayer ceramic capacitor MLCC CCDA &
RF microwave multilayer ceramic chip capacitor MLCC CCHQ) without excessive energy loss.
3. Good temperature stability: chip ceramic dielectric vessels usually have good temperature stability and can maintain the consistency of their electrical properties over a wide temperature range.
4. Fast response: The chip ceramic capacitor has a fast response speed and can store and release charge quickly.
Chip ceramic dielectric vessels are widely used in electronic devices and circuits, such as power electronics, RF circuits, filter circuits, coupling and terminal circuits. They can be used to store energy, balance current, provide a stable power supply and reduce interference, among other functions.
For more MLCC types, see Safety Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor SMD-MLCC-CCAC CCAD & Soft Termination Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitor | MLCC |CCAB
◆CAPACITANCETOLERANCE: A=±0.05 B=±0.1 C=±0.25 D=±0.5 F+±1% G=±2% J=±5% , K=±10% M=20% S==+50 -20% Z=+80 -20%
◆SIZE:1005 0201 0402 0603 0805 1206 1210 1812 2220 2225 3035
●TypesofDielectric MaterialandCapacitor※HIGH FREQUENCYTYPE:The capacitorofthiskind dielectricmaterial isconsideredas ClassⅠcapacitor,includinghighfrequencyCOG、COH capacitor andtemperaturecompensating capacitor suchas HG,LG,PH,RH,SH,TH,UJ, SL.Theelectricalproperties ofCOG、COH capacitor arethemoststableone andchange invariabllywithtemperature, voltage andtime. They aresuitedfor applicationswhere low-losses andhigh-stabilityarerequired,HG,LG,PH,RH,SH,TH,UJ,SLcapacitor’s capacitance changeswithtemperature.Theyaresuitedfor applicationswhere low-losses andtemperaturecompensating circuits.※X7R、X5R、X7S、X6S:X7R、X5R、X7S、X6Smaterial is a kind of material hashigh dielectricconstant. ThecapacitormadeofthiskindmaterialisconsideredasClassⅡcapacitorwhosecapacitanceishigherthanthatofclassⅠ.Thesecapacitorsareclassifiedashavingasemi-stabletemperaturecharacteristicandusedoverawidetemperaturerange, suchinthese kindsofcircuits, DC-blocking,decoupling, bypassing, frequencydiscriminating etc.※Y5V:The capacitormadeofthiskind ofmaterial isthehighestdielectricconstantofall ceramic capacitors. They areusedoveramoderatetemperature range inapplication where highcapacitanceis requiredbecauseofitsunstabletemperature coefficient, but wheremoderatelosses andcapacitancechanges canbetolerated. Itscapacitance anddissipationfactors aresensible tomeasuringconditions, such as temperature and voltage, etc.※Z5U:Thecapacitormadeofthiskind of material isconsideredas ClassⅡcapacitor, whose temperature characteristicisbetween thatofX7RandY5V.Thecapacitanceof thiskind of capacitorisunstableandsensibletotemperatureandvoltage.IdeallysuitedforbypassinganddecouplingapplicationcircuitsoperatingwithlowDCbiasintheenvironment approaches toroomtemperature.
Types of Dielectric Material and Capacitor
◆HIGH FREQUENCY TYPE: The capacitor of this kind dielectric material is considered as ClassⅠcapacitor,
including high frequency COG、COH capacitor and temperature compensating capacitor such as HG, LG, PH,
RH,SH, TH, UJ, SL. The electrical properties of COG、COH capacitor are the most stable one and change invariablly
with temperature, voltage and time. They are suited for applications where low-losses and high-stability are required,
HG,LG,PH,RH,SH,TH,UJ,SLcapacitor’s capacitance changes with temperature.They are suited for applications
where low-losses and temperature compensating circuits.
◆ X7R、X5R、X7S、X6S:X7R、X5R、X7S、X6S material is a kind of material has high dielectric constant. The capacitor
made of this kind material is considered as Class Ⅱ capacitor whose capacitance is higher than that of class Ⅰ.
These capacitors are classified as having a semi-stable temperature characteristic and used over a wide temperature
range, such in these kinds of circuits, DC-blocking, decoupling, bypassing, frequency discriminating etc.
◆ Y5V:The capacitor made of this kind of material is the highest dielectric constant of all ceramic capacitors. They are
used over a moderate temperature range in application where high capacitance is required because of its unstable
temperature coefficient, but where moderate losses and capacitance changes can be tolerated. Its capacitance and
dissipation factors are sensible to measuring conditions, such as temperature and voltage, etc.
◆ Z5U:The capacitor made of this kind of material is considered as ClassⅡ capacitor, whose temperature characteristic
is between that of X7R and Y5V. The capacitance of this kind of capacitor is unstable and sensible to temperature and
voltage. Ideally suited for bypassing and decoupling application circuits operating with low DC bias in the environment approaches to room temperature.