Málmað pólýprópýlen filmuþétti Útblástursþol 300VAC CDCF

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Discharge resistance 300VAC CDCFDischarge resistance 300VAC / Interference suppression Interference suppression Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Discharge-resistance-300VAC-CDCF.pdf (521 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Excellent active noise suppression, absorbing peak and energy, damp class X2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/085/56/B Operating temperature

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Málmað pólýprópýlen filmuþétti Útblástursþol 310VAC CDCE

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Discharge resistance 310VAC CDCEinterference suppression capacitor/X2 Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Discharge-resistance-310VAC-CDCE.pdf (451 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Internal parallel connection from X2 cap to dischange resistor S Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in across-the-line, interference suppression circuit, etc.   class X2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/110/56/B Operating temperature -40℃~110℃

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Málmað pólýprópýlen filmuþétti truflunarbæli Y2 CDCD

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Interference Suppressor Y2 CDCDinterference suppression film capacitor Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Interference-Suppressor-Y2-CDCD.pdf (453 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Metallized polypropylene structure Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in line to ground, line-by-pass, antenna coupling interference suppression circuit, etc. class Y2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/110/56/B Operating temperature -40℃~+110℃

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Málmað pólýprópýlen filmuþétti THB X2 CDCC

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor THB X2 CDCCinterference suppression THB/ temperature humidy bais Send Inquiry (0 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features ● Metallized polypropylene structure Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in across-the-line, interference suppression circuit, High stability of capacitance under severe ambient condition, such as high temperature and high humidity。  …

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Málmað pólýprópýlen filmuþétti Samningur stærð X2 CDCB

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Compact Size X2 CDCBcompact size interference suppression film capacitor Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Compact-Size-X2-CDCB.pdf (480 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Metallized polypropylene structure Compact size Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in across-the-line, interference suppression circuit class X1 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Class 40/110/56/B Operating temperature -40℃ ~ +110℃ Rated

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Málmað pólýprópýlen filmuþétti X2 CDCA

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor X2 CDCAinterference suppression film capacitor Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-X2-CDCA.pdf (495 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ● Specifications Metallized polypropylene structure Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in across-the-line, interference suppression circuit, class X2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/110/56/B Operating temperature -40℃~110℃ Rated Voltage 310VAC,50/60Hz Mains voltage can’t

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Almennt Porpuse málmað pólýaster filmuþétti | CDAB

Almennt Porpuse málmað pólýaster filmuþétti | CDAB INNGANGUR CDAB röðin er smíðuð með málmhúðuðu pólýesterfilmu rafefni, koparblý og epoxý plastefni dufthúð. Þau eru hentug til að blokka, tenging, aftenging, síun, framhjá tímatökurás og tilvalin til notkunar í fjarskiptabúnaði, gagnavinnslubúnaði, iðnaðar hljóðfæri, sjálfvirk stjórnkerfi og annar almennur rafeindabúnaður.…

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Axial Leads Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor | Flat sporöskjulaga | CDEB

Axial Leads Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor | Flat sporöskjulaga | CDEBCDEB er smíðað með málmuðu pólýprópýlenfilmu sem miðli og rafskaut, vafið og innsiglað með logavarnarplasti og epoxýplastefni, með mikilli áreiðanleika, hár-hitastig viðnám, lítið magn, stór afkastageta og góðar sjálfsheilandi eignir. ‧ Aðallega notað í tækjum og DC & AC hringrás á…

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Axial Leads Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor | Hjólreiðar | CDEA

Axial Leads Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor | Hjólreiðar | CDEACDEA er smíðað með málmuðu pólýprópýlenfilmu sem miðli og rafskaut, vafinn og innsiglaður með logavarnarefni og epoxý plastefni. Með mikilli áreiðanleika, hár hitaþol, lítið magn, stór afkastageta og góðar sjálfsheilandi eignir. ‧ Aðallega notað í tækjum og DC & AC hringrás á…

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Axial Leads Metalized Polyester Film Capacitor | Flat sporöskjulaga | CDDB

Axial Leads Metalized Polyester Film Capacitor | Flat sporöskjulaga | CDDB EIGINLEIKAR ◆ Rekstrarhitastig: -40℃ TIL + 105℃ ◆RÚÐRÆÐI: 0.01µF ~ 68µF ◆ RÚÐÞOL: J (± 5%), K (± 10%) ◆ RATTVOLTAGE: 100V, 250V, 400V, 630V(DC) ◆ STAÐA AÐ SPILA: 1.6U 2s (1.5U 5s) Senda fyrirspurn Axial-Leads-Metallized-Plyester-Film-Capacitor-Flat-Oval-CDDB.pdf (572 niðurhal) ForskriftirYfirlitTengdar EIGINLEIKAR CDDB er smíðað með málmuðu pólýesterfilmu sem miðli og rafskaut, vafinn og…

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