Snap-In rafgreiningu þétta ▏105 ℃ 2,000Hrs ▏CAIC

Snap-In Electrolytic Capacitors ▏105℃ 2,000Hrs ▏CAIC Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Snap-In-Electrolytic-Capacitor-▏105℃-2000Hrs-▏CAIC.pdf (748 niðurhal) SpecificationsOverviewRelated Operating Temperature Range: -40℃~+105℃ Hleðslulífpróf: 105℃ 2.000 klst. spennusvið: 16V~450V nafnrýmd svið: 82uF~22.000uF Þyngdarþol(20℃,120Hz): ±20% FEATURES ◆ Has a snap-in terminal which can solder to a PCB directly and need not fixture to save processing time. ◆ Suitable for

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Snap-In rafgreiningu þétta ▏85 ℃ 3,000Hrs ▏CAIA

Snap-In Electrolytic Capacitors ▏85℃ 3,000Hrs ▏CAIAFEATURES Has a snap-in terminal which can solder directly to a PCB Suitable for electronic equipment with medium-high voltage circuits Printed circuit board terminal snap-in type and lug terminal type available Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Snap-In-Electrolytic-Capacitor-▏85℃-3000Hrs-▏CAIA.pdf (629 niðurhal) ForskriftirYfirlitTengdar UPPLÝSINGAR Atriði Afköst Rekstrarhitasvið -40 °C ~ +85 °C Rafmagnsþol…

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