Der Multilayer ceramic chip capacitor/SMD MLCC is composed of a ceramic medium and a metal electrode.
It has the characteristics of high dielectric constant, low loss factor, excellent high temperature resistance and stable capacitance value.
Chip ceramic capacitor/SMD MLCC is widely used in various electronic equipment.
1. Power filter: chip ceramic dielectric capacitor/SMD MLCC can be used in power filter circuit, by connecting to the power line, remove high-frequency noise and stray signals in the power supply, provide stable power supply voltage.
2. Coupling and terminal capacitors: chip multilayer ceramic capacitor can be used as signal coupling and terminal capacitors to transmit and process signals in the circuit. They can effectively isolate different parts of the circuit, reducing interference and noise.
3. Oscillator and resonator: The chip multilayer ceramic capacitor plays a key role in the oscillator and resonator circuit. They are used to control the frequency and stabilize the performance of the oscillating circuit.
4. Electronic filters: chip multilayer ceramic capacitor can be used to build various types of electronic filters, such as low-pass, high-pass,band-pass and band-stop filters. They are used to selectively pass or block signals of a specific frequency in a circuit.
5. Ceramic resonator: chip ceramic capacitor are often usedin ceramic resonator circuits to stabilize and adjust the resonant frequency of the circuit.6. High pressure applications: chip ceramic dielectric vessels are widely used in high pressure applications because of their high pressure resistance. In power systems, zum Beispiel, they can be used for power capacitance compensation and insulation of power transmission lines.
Chip ceramic capacitor/SMD MLCC applications are very wide, covering a variety of fields such as power filter, coupling and terminal capacitors, oscillators and resonators, electronic filters,ceramic resonators and high voltage applications.
MIL-Mehrschicht-Keramik-Chipkondensator MLCC CCAE
MIL RF Mikrowellen-Mehrschicht-Keramik-Chipkondensator MLCC CCDA
HF-Mikrowellen-Mehrschicht-Keramik-Chip-Kondensator MLCC CCHQ
Sicherheits-Mehrschicht-Keramikchipkondensator SMD-MLCC-CCAC CCAD
Mehrschichtiger Keramik-Chipkondensator mit weicher Terminierung | MLCC |CCAB
Mehrschichtiger Keramik-Chip-Kondensator | SMD MLCC |CCAA
MLCC-Technologiebrief & Verfahren
Local enterprises, Japan and Taiwan background
Der MLCC entrepreneurial team comes from Taiwan Guoji, Huake, Housheng, Dafang and other well-known enterpris
es in the same industry. The product manager has been in Guoju for 7 years and Dafang for 12 Jahre, and the fo
under is from the senior management of Housheng.