MIL multilayer ceramic chip capacitor MLCC CCAE

MIL multilayer ceramic chip capacitor MLCC CCAE Square, without outer sealing layer, suitable for surface mounting;  The medium is Class I ceramic, with good frequency characteristics and high capacitance stability;  Each batch of products undergoes 100% temperature shock screening and high-temperature electrical load screening;  Suitable for resonant circuits, coupling circuits, and circuits

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Condensador radial de ions de liti LIC 1300F

Radial lead lithium ion capacitor LIC 1300FLithium-ion capacitors (LIC) és una mena de condensador híbrid. Jinpei ha avançat R&Capacitat D en condensadors d'ions de liti. Actualment, Jinpei ha completat la R&D de 3,8 V 20F-750F CKBA 、4.2V 80F-1300F CKBB series, 4.2V 100mah-4200mah cylinder CKAA Series monomer lithium-ion capacitors and ultra-fast battery module. Send Inquiry Datesheet-for-lithium-ion-capacitor-LIC-1300F.pdf (307 descàrregues) EspecificacionsRelacionat…

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Cilindre condensador d'ions de liti 4200mAh

Lithium ion capacitor cylinder 4200mAhLithium-ion capacitors (LIC) és una mena de condensador híbrid. Jinpei ha avançat R&Capacitat D en condensadors d'ions de liti. Al present, Jinpei ha completat la R&D de 3,8 V 20F-750F CKBA 、 4.2V 80F-1300F CKBB series, 4.2V 100mah-4200mah cylinder CKAA Series monomer lithium-ion capacitors and ultra-fast battery module. Send Inquiry Datesheet-for-lithium-ion-capacitor-cylinder-4200mAh.pdf (334 descàrregues) EspecificacionsRelacionat…

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Cilindre condensador d'ions de liti 20Ah | Càrrega ràpida

Cilindre condensador d'ions de liti 20Ah | Fast ChargeCKAA60140B Lithium ion battery pack & fast charge solution Datesheet-for-lithium-ion-capacitor-cylinder-cylinder-20Ah.pdf (277 descàrregues) Send Inquiry SpecificationsOverviewRelated Jinpei Lithium-ion capacitor (LIC) is a new type of electric energy storage device that combines the characteristics of lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors. It has the advantages of high energy density, high power density,…

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Condensador de seguretat de disc ceràmic AC X1 Y2 CCDF

AC Ceramic Disc Safety Capacitor X1 Y2 CCDFixed cap acitors for the suppression of electromagnetic interference from power sources Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-AC-Ceramic-Disc-Safety-Capacitor-X1-Y2-CCDF.pdf (755 descàrregues) SpecificationsOverviewRelated INTRODUCTION CDAC Series are constructed with metalized polyester film dielectric, recobriment de plom de coure i resina epoxi. Són aptes per bloquejar, acoplament, desacoblament, filtratge, bypass timing circuit and ideal for

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Condensador de seguretat de disc ceràmic AC X1 Y1 CCDG

AC Ceramic Disc Safety Capacitor X1 Y1 CCDGFixed capacitors for the suppression of electromagnetic interference from power sources Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-AC-Ceramic-Disc-Safety-Capacitor-X1-Y1-CCDG.pdf (835 descàrregues) SpecificationsOverviewRelated Features Operating temperature Range Guaranteed up to 125℃(Ul:85℃ ) Rigidesa dielèctrica: AC 4000V X1/Y2 class capacitors certified by VDE/ENEC/UL/CQC/KC Flame retardant epoxy coating (in accordance with UL94 V-0 specification) Automatic insertion

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Condensador de pel·lícula de polipropilè metal·litzat Resistència de descàrrega 300VAC CDCF

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Discharge resistance 300VAC CDCFDischarge resistance 300VAC / Interference suppression Interference suppression Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Discharge-resistance-300VAC-CDCF.pdf (714 descàrregues) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Excellent active noise suppression, absorbing peak and energy, damp class X2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/085/56/B Operating temperature

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Condensador de pel·lícula de polipropilè metal·litzat Resistència de descàrrega 310VAC CDCE

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Discharge resistance 310VAC CDCEinterference suppression capacitor/X2 Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Discharge-resistance-310VAC-CDCE.pdf (625 descàrregues) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Internal parallel connection from X2 cap to dischange resistor S Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in across-the-line, interference suppression circuit, etc..   class X2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/110/56/B Operating temperature -40℃~110℃

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Condensador de pel·lícula de polipropilè metal·litzat Supressor d'interferències Y2 CDCD

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor Interference Suppressor Y2 CDCDinterference suppression film capacitor Send Inquiry Datasheet-For-Metallized-Polypropylene-Film-Capacitor-Interference-Suppressor-Y2-CDCD.pdf (637 descàrregues) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features Metallized polypropylene structure Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in line to ground, line-by-pass, antenna coupling interference suppression circuit, etc.. class Y2 Climatic Category/Passive Flammability Category 40/110/56/B Operating temperature -40℃~+110℃

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Condensador de pel·lícula de polipropilè metal·litzat THB X2 CDCC

Metallized Polypropylene Film Capacitor THB X2 CDCCinterference suppression THB/ temperature humidy bais Send Inquiry (0 descàrregues) SpecificationsOverviewRelated ■Features ● Metallized polypropylene structure Withstanding overvoltage stressing Excellent active and passive flame resistant abilities Widely used in across-the-line, interference suppression circuit, High stability of capacitance under severe ambient condition, such as high temperature and high humidity。  …

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