Južnokorejski korporativni regulator je v nedeljo sporočil, da je skupaj kaznoval devet japonskih podjetij 36 milijard vonov (219 milijon juanov) zaradi domnevnega dogovarjanja za vzdrževanje ali zvišanje cen kondenzatorjev, ki se uporabljajo v pametnih telefonih in številnih drugih elektronskih napravah, according to south Korean media.According to the fair trade commission, Tokin corp. and eight other Japanese companies conspired between July 2000 and January 2014 to price capacitors sold in South Korea and other countries.The commission said the companies agreed to avoid excessive price cuts and to share information in response to requests for lower prices.
During that period, the monopolistic practices affected the price of 737 milijard vonov, or about $1.6 billion, worth of capacitors sold to samsung electronics co., LG electronics Co. and other local electronics companies, regulators said.Japanese manufacturers account for 40 do 70 per cent of the local Korean market for capacitors, po navedbah FTC. Protimonopolni regulatorji so tudi povedali, da so sodelovali z organi na Japonskem, Evropske unije, Tajvan in Singapur od junija 2014.
Pravzaprav, to ni prvič, da so bili proizvajalci pasivnih komponent podvrženi protimonopolnim kaznim. Marca, bloomberg je poročal, da so bili Heshintang in sedem drugih japonskih proizvajalcev kondenzatorjev kaznovani 253.9 milijonov evrov s strani Evropske unije za 14 let monopolnega oblikovanja cen.EU je poudarila, da med 1998 in 2012, ta podjetja so skupaj monopolizirala trg kondenzatorjev.Med njimi, Japonska kameja je bila najstrožje kaznovana, 98 milijonov evrov, sledijo nikonovi 73 milijonov evrov.
Pasivne elektronske komponente v zadnjih dveh letih zaradi neravnovesja med ponudbo in povpraševanjem, kot je kondenzator MLCC, due to the leading enterprises in murata manufacturing adjust capacity rises in price considerably in MLCC capacitor, Japan, Taiwan and other places such as South Korea’s electronics companies also are being on the rise, according to the current case end of this year and next year’s capacity is very tight, at that time the price is impossible to drop.It’s not clear if there were any human factors behind this round of price increases in electronic components, but the previous round of price increases in electronic components has been investigated.In addition, the south Korean fine is not the first anti-trust fine Tokin company faces. As early as 2015, they were fined $13.2 million by the U.S. department of justice for fixing the price of capacitors. Južnokorejska protimonopolna globa je le nadaljevanje ameriške globe.